Unreal Tournament 2004 (aka UT2K4)
Step 1: Install Unreal Tournament 2004
If you have purchased Unreal Tournament 2004 on GOG, Steam or a physical copy that is great. Use that.
Otherwise, it appears the game is currently abandoned by Epic and is unavailable for purchase.
I can’t speak for your location or local laws or how any of that works.
However, I do know that archive.org is in the business of preservation when software has been abandoned. This is no endorsement or recommendation. This is just what I have observed.
This link appears to be the ones I have seen suggested on forums. It appears the version to have is the GOG Editor’s Choice Edition. Download and use at your own risk. I personally used my Steam copy that I purchased years ago.
https://archive.org/download/Unreal-GOG-Collection/Unreal%20Tournament%202004%20Editor%27s%20Choice%20Edition/ (No CD Key Needed)
alternative download:
https://archive.org/details/ut-2004_202402 (You will need a CD Key)
Step 2: Install the patch (same caveats as in step 1)
if you install from Steam/GOG you should have the latest (version 3369) if not you can grab the patch here: https://www.moddb.com/games/unreal-tournament-2004/downloads/ut2004-v3369-including-64-bit (unsure which version you have? Go to Join Game while in Unreal Tournament 2004 … you don’t have to join a game … the version is in the upper right hand corner)
The next 2 steps are optional. Feel free to jump to Step 5
Step 3: Optional – Master Server News & Server Search
For Master Server news and finding other servers … In the game, open the console (~ key) and paste the following command and run it:
set IpDrv.MasterServerLink MasterServerList ((Address="utmaster.openspy.net",Port=28902))
Step 4: Optional – Widescreen and Video Setup
For more detailed Video Setup https://www.wsgf.org/dr/unreal-tournament-2004#:~:text=fov%3D90%20is%20default%20for%204%3A3%20setups
Step 5: Join the server (info here: Server Info)
That’s it. No more steps.
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